product design

Psychic Cloud | Redesigning Interaction for Increased Engagement

Psychic Cloud | Redesigning Interaction for Increased Engagement

Psychic Cloud | Redesigning Interaction for Increased Engagement


Product Designer


1x Product Manager

1x Product Designer

1x Engineer

3x External Developers


Psychic Cloud Mobile App


2023 Jan-May




When I joined the Psychic Cloud project, I conducted a thorough audit of the mobile app. During discussions with the product owner and CEO, it became clear that the goal was to create a platform where psychics could connect with users, offering readings, consultations, and a listening ear. However, at that point, the app resembled more of a messenger service than a social or marketplace platform for psychic services.

The Problem

The Problem

The Problem

My audit revealed several barriers in the user flows, making it challenging for users to find a suitable psychic. Additionally, there were inconsistencies in the visual design throughout the app. This case study focuses on how we addressed these issues to improve the app's ability to promote psychics and enhance the user experience in finding the right psychic for a reading.

Exisiting Flow

The app initially launched with a collection of videos created by the psychics, serving as an introduction to their services. Users could then navigate to the Psychic tab, which functioned like a contact list, listing all the available psychics. Tapping on a psychic's profile would lead to their profile page, where users could find the Recordings tab containing all the content created by that psychic.
Despite the original flow, users lacked sufficient information to make informed decisions, and the app lacked an engaging element for new users. There was no intuitive guide to help users find a psychic that matched their specific needs, leading to a less than ideal user experience.




To enhance user engagement and encourage paid readings with psychics, we embarked on a comprehensive redesign of the Psychic Cloud app, focusing on improving the user experience and resolving key usability issues.

Home tab

Home tab

Home tab

Psychics tab

Psychics tab

Psychics tab

Psychics Profile

Psychics Profile

Psychics Profile

Video Playback

Video Playback

Video Playback




With the new flow and interface design, psychics' images are more prominent to users. The experience of consuming video content and discovering new psychics is now more seamless. This new design will increase views of content and profile visits, leading to more connections between users and psychics.




Following the design refresh, we embarked on monitoring key metrics to assess achievements and identify areas for improvement, weaving a narrative of success and growth.

Increased Click Rate on Psychic Profiles:

The redesign ensured that all psychic profiles received more attention, leading to a higher click rate and enhanced user engagement.

Rise in Number of Calls and Follows:

A significant increase in calls and follows indicated that psychics were receiving greater exposure, fostering stronger connections with users.

Growth in Video Views from Psychic Profiles:

By enabling users to find videos they liked directly from psychic profiles, we witnessed a surge in video views, offering a more tailored and engaging content experience.

Click Rate on Call-to-Action Buttons:

Monitoring this metric allowed us to gauge the effectiveness of CTAs on video playback. Any drop in the click rate would prompt a reconsideration of adding CTAs back to the video playback.

Increased Call Time:

The ultimate business goal, increasing call time was at the heart of our decisions. Every design choice aimed to enhance user experience and boost revenue, culminating in a successful product transformation.

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